Dispositivos para a concentraçao de peixes nos Açores. Archivos do DOP, Serie: Estudos n° 3/95

Anchored fish aggregation devices (FAD) were evaluated as fish attractans in the Azores waters to determine if such objects could attract and hold tuna schools and other pelagic fish long enough to be fished profitably. Floating devices were constructed and anchored in nine selected locations around the islands, banks and sea mounts during 1993 and 1994.
The results of the commercial activities around the buoys by the local fleets are not encouraging. Were reported and observed a small number of species aggregated to the buoys mainly Polyprion americanus (wreck fish), Coryphaena hippurus (dolphin fish), Schedophilus ovalis (imperial black fish) and Balistes carolinensis (grey trigger fish). In this work the technical aspects of the adopted artificial buoys, their behaviour and aggregating effects are described and discussed.