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Conception, fabrication et mise à l’eau des DCP
Gervain, P., Reynal, L., Defoe, J., Ishida, M. et Mohammed
2015Les premières expérimentations de Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons ancrés (DCP) dans la région caribéenne remontent à plus de trois...
Montage de DCP à moindre coût et gestion de programmes de mouillage
Lindsay Chapman, Brendon Pasisi, Ian Bertram, Steve Beverly, William Sokimi
2005Depuis l’adoption dans le Pacifique des DCP, dont l’idée était venue des Philippines à la fin des années 70, l’expérience de leur utilisation...
FAD design, construction and deployment
Paul Gervain, Lionel Reynal, Jullan Defoe, Mitsuhiro Ishida, Elizabeth Mohammed
2015It has been more than three decades since initial experimentation with the use of moored fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the Caribbean region. The main driver for development of FAD fisheries...
Vertical Jig Fishing on FADs
Clement Dromer
2012Jig fishing or Jigging is a technique developed in Japan. Jigging is the practice of fishing with a jig, a type of fishing lure. Jigs are intended to create a jerky, vertical motion through the...
Perspetivas futuras para o setor
Luís Costa, Gui Menezes, Genuíno Madruga, Luís Rodrigues, Gualberto Rita, Ruben Farias, Lázaro Silva
2016O Grupo de Trabalho para a Reestruturação das Pescas dos Açores surgiu no âmbito do Despacho n.o 492/2016, de 16 de março, de S. Exa. o Presidente do Governo...
Medidas estratégicas para o setor da pesca dos açores 2015-2020
Governo dos Açores
2015Nos Açores existem cerca de meia centena de comunidades piscatórias cuja principal fonte de rendimento provém daquilo que conseguem retirar do mar. Este é um...
Uma proposta para uma melhor proteção da área marinha em torno dos Açores
Governo dos Açores
2012A preservação dos diversos níveis e componentes naturais da biodiversidade, como vetor de uma política de desenvolvimento sustentável, tem adquirido uma...
Governance and management requirements for the off-shore fisheries
GMR Canarias
2017Report presenting fishers organizations in all outermost regions, their functioning and their role in collective action on the management of fisheries resources and governance of...
Governance and management requirements for the off-shore fisheries [spanish version]
GMR Canarias
2017Report (in spanish) presenting fishers organizations in all outermost regions, their functioning and their role in collective action on the management of fisheries resources and governance of...
Dispositivos para a concentraçao de peixes nos Açores. Archivos do DOP, Serie: Estudos n° 3/95
Pinho, M. R. & J. Pereira
1995Anchored fish aggregation devices (FAD) were evaluated as fish attractans in the Azores waters to determine if such objects could attract and hold tuna schools and other pelagic fish long enough to...
Anchored fish aggregating devices in Azorean waters, International Commission For The Conservation Of Atlantic Tunas, 45, 229-235
Pinho, M. R., & Pereira, J.
1996Anchored fish aggregation devices (FAD) were evaluated as fish attractans in the Azores waters to determine if such objects could attract and hold tuna schools and other pelagic fish long enough to...
Relatorio da experiencia de pesca ao peixe-espada-preto (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) levada a cabo pela embarcaçao "Baia dos Juncos" no Arquipelago dos Açores
Melo, Octávio Emanuel B. M.
1998This report is part of an observation work, carried out on board of a Madeiran vessel, to carry out a fishing experiment directed at Black Scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) in the archipelago...
Experimental fisheries for black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) in the Azores, Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(2), 302-308
Machete, M., Morato, T., & Menezes, G.
2010In this study, we used fisheries observers' data to analyse and describe the experimental fishing of black scabbardfish in the Azores in terms of type of gear, fishing operation, catch per unit...
Pesca experimental com palangre de profundidade dirigido a grande pelagicos. Archivos do DOP, Serie: Cruzeiros, n° 1/95
Pinho, M. R. & J. Pereira
1995In the Azores, the catch of many pelagic species, particularly tunas, is seasonal and it is not known if this seasonally is due to real change in local abundance, or to changes in the catchability...
Projecto de Acompanhamento da Experiencia de Pesca Dirigida ao Peixe-Relogio (Hoplostethus atlanticus) - FISHOR. Arquivos do DOP, Serie Estudos n° 4/2002
Octávio Melo and Gui Manuel Machado Menezes
2002The objective of this project is to monitor the fishing experience of the peixe-relogio (Hoplostethus atlanticus) carried out by S. Macario in order to investigate the existence of...
Selectividade do anzol relativamente ao Pagellus bogaraveo (goraz) e ao Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (boca negra), pescado nos Açores, TA-183, 74 p
Paulo Jorge Morais
1990A bottom longline selectivity experiment was conducted, in June and July of 1989, in waters of Azores Islands. These experiments aimed at estimating hook selectivity, relative to blackspot seabream...
Pesca experimental de crustaceos de profundidade nos Açores (CRUSTAçO). Arquivos do DOP, Serie Relatorios Internos n° 2/2001, 82 p
Mario R. Pinho, Octavio Melo, Joao Gonçalves & Helen Martins
2001This work aims to increase knowledge on the biology and fishing of the macro-crustaceans of the Azores, mainly of the species of crabs (Cancer bellianus and Chaceon affinis) and...
Talla mínima de captura. Peces, Crustáceos y Moluscos de Interés Pesquero en Canarias. Una Propuesta Científica para su Conservación
González, J.A., J.G. Pajuelo, J.M. Lorenzo, J.I. Santana, V.M. Tuset, S. Jiménez, C. Perales-Raya, G. González-Lorenzo, P. Martín-Sosa & I.J. Lozano
2012El presente estudio ha tenido como finalidad principal la revisión, el análisis y la propuesta de regulación de la Talla Mínima de Captura (TMC) de 100 especies de...
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (thunnus thynnus, linnaeus, 1758) Fishery in the Canary Islands
Alicia Delgado de Molina, Enrique Rodriguez-Marín, Rosa Delgado de Molina and J. Carlos Santana
2014This document provides the first detailed description of the artisanal fishery of the Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Canary Islands, the most southerly fishery of this species in the eastern...
Estudio sobre la evaluación del impacto ambiental de la pesquería de atún rojo (thunnus thynnus) por parte de la flota pesquera con base en puertos de la comunidad autónoma de canarias, en comparación con el resto de flotas Nacionales
Brito A., Rodríguez A, Monterroso, O., M. Rodríguez, R. Riera, O. Pérez, E. Ramos, O. Álvarez
2017De conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 17 del Reglamento 1380/2013 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 11 de diciembre de 2013 , sobre la política pesquera común,...
Participatory artisanal fisheries management in islands: application to the Canary Islands (Spain)
Serafin Corral, David Romero Manrique de Lara
2017Socio-economic development of small-island fishing communities is greatly dependent on local coastal and marine resources. However, illegal fishing and aggressive practices in insular ecosystems...
Evaluación histórica y socioeconómica de la pesquería de las cinco principales especies de túnidos en Canarias
Álvaro Díaz de la Paz, José J. Pascual Fernández, Carmelo Dorta Morales, Álvaro Díaz Rodríguez
2017Esta investigación recopila todo un amplio conjunto de evidencias, desde al menos dos siglos atrás, que demuestran la larga tradición de las pesquerías de túnidos...
La pesca artesanal y la conservación de la biodiversidad: avances en la gestión integrada de la pesca y el medio ambiente en el mar de Canarias
P. Martín-Sosa
2017Las políticas europeas para legislar en el ámbito marino han mejorado ostensiblemente en su capacidad de planificación y gestión integral del medio marino, aceptando...
Proyecto GEPETO: Gestión de Pesquerías y Objetivos Trasnacionales. Caso de estudio 7: Pesquerías Artesanales de las Islas Canarias, Tenerife
García-Santamaría, M.T. Jiménez Navarro, S. González Jiménez, J.F. Falcón Toledo, J.M. Villegas Díaz
2014Este documento presenta los objetivos, metodología aplicada y resultados obtenidos a lo largo del Proyecto, estructurados en tres partes definidas de manera independiente relacionadas...
Análisis y Ordenación de la Pesca de Recreo en el Ámbito de las Islas Canarias
Secretaría General de Pesca Marítima
2006La costa es un espacio imprescindible para el desarrollo de la sociedad canaria, bien porque en ella se encuentran múltiples recursos para la satisfacción de sus necesidades, bien...
La pesca recreativa en Tenerife y su regulación
José J. Pascual Fernández (Director), Inés Chinea Mederos, Agustín Santana Talavera, Pablo Martín-Sosa Rodríguez, Alberto J. Rodríguez Darias, Pedro E. Moreira Gregori
2012Hasta ahora la información cualitativa y cuantitativa contrastada sobre la pesca recreativa en Tenerife resultaba muy escasa. Cualquiera que transite por el litoral puede darse cuenta de que...
La Pesca en las Islas Canarias
2013La presente nota ha sido solicitada por la Comisión de Pesca para la Delegación enviada a las Islas Canarias (del 28 de abril al 1 de mayo de 2013). La nota proporciona un resumen del...
Fisheries around Outermost Regions: Canary Islands Report for the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, European Commission
P. Martín-Sosa
2012Main Fisheries Description and Catch Statistics of Canary Islands
Seminario Científico Estado de los Recursos Pesqueros de Canarias. Memoria Científico-Técnica Final Sobre el Estado de los Recursos Pesqueros de Canarias (REPESCAN)
González, J.A. (ed)
2008Del 19 al 21 de noviembre se ha celebrado el Primer Seminario Científico sobre el “Estado de los Recursos Pesqueros de Canarias (REPESCAN)”, lo que supone un hito...
High trophic level and low diversity: Would Madeira benefit from fishing down?
Margarida Hermida, João Delgado
2016This study offers a brief overview of the historical development of fisheries in Madeira since 1938. Changes in food web structure in the waters around Madeira archipelago were evaluated using the...
A Pesca na História da Madeira: Estado dos Conhecimentos e Problemáticas Futuras de Análise
Filipe Santos
2010This article aims to settle a state of the knowledge on the subject.
Fishing in the History of Madeira, based on historiographic, ethnographic and monographic studies made untilthe present...
Reconstruction of marine fisheries catches for Madeira Island, Portugal from 1950-2010
Soohyun Shon, João Manuel Delgado, Telmo Morato, Christopher Kim Pham, Kyrstn Zylich, Dirk Zeller and Daniel Pauly
2015The reconstruction of total marine fisheries catches for the islands of Madeira for 1950-2010 added estimates of unreported subsistence and recreational catches, as well as discards to the reported...
Diretiva Quadro Estratégia Marinha. Estratégia Marinha para a subdivisão da Madeira
Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais
2014Avaliação inicial do estado ambiental atual das águas marinhas da subdivisão da Madeira, integrada na sub-região da macaronésia, e do impacto ambiental das...
Review of an assessment of the stock of black scabbardfish (Aphanopus spp.) around Madeira
Norman Graham, Hendrik Doerner
2014The report presented contains useful background information relating to the Madeira deep-water longline fishery for black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo). Updated data on landings (in...
Fisheries in Madeira
Jesús Iborra Martín
2008Document describing the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Madeira for the delegation of the Committee on Fisheries visiting from 25-28 November 2008.
Research for PECH Committee - Fisheries in Madeira
Matilde Vallerani, Carmen-Paz Martí, Priit Ojamaa
2017The overview of the fisheries in Madeira was prepared to provide information for the mission of the Committee of Fisheries to Madeira in 2017 (22-25 May).
Updated fishery statistics for bigeye, skipjack and albacore tunas from Madeira Archipelago
Lídia Gouveia, Antonieta Amorim, Adriana Alves, Margarida Hermida
2017Tunas constitute an important seasonal fishery in the region of Madeira. Bigeye and skipjack are usually the most abundant species in the area, with albacore reaching record landings in 2014. This...
Contrasts in the marine ecosystem of two Macaronesian islands: A comparison between the remote Selvagens Reserve and Madeira Island
Alan M. Friedlander, Enric Ballesteros, Sabrina Clemente, Emanuel J. Gonçalves, Andrew Estep, Paul Rose, Enric Sala
2017The islands of Madeira and Selvagens are less than 300 km apart but offer a clear contrast between a densely populated and highly developed island (Madeira), and a largely uninhabited and remote...
Reproduction and growth of Aphanopus carbo and A. intermedius (Teleostei: Trichiuridae) in the northeastern Atlantic
J. Delgado, S. Reis, J. A. González, E. Isidro, M. Biscoito, M. Freitas and V. M. Tuset
2013Commercial fishery landings of the black scabbardfish, Aphanopus carbo, from the Madeira mid-water drifting longline fleet (northeastern Atlantic) were studied for 2 years within a...
Description of environmental issues, fish stocks and fisheries in the EEZs around the Azores and Madeira
Telmo Morato
2012For fishery resources in the EEZs around the Azores and Madeira, description of the main stocks and fisheries (differentiating between local, resident and others) within the EEZs, covering...
A synthesis on the Cenozoic vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula
Barrón, E., Rivas-Carballo, R., Postigo-Mijarra, J. M., Alcalde-Olivares, C., Vieira, M., Castro, L., Pais, J., Valle-Hernández, M.
2009The aim of this work is to provide a first approach to the evolution of Iberia's vegetation during the Cenozoic (with the exclusion of the Quaternary).
The Palaeogene was floristically...
Pandalidae shrimps in Madeiran waters
Manuel José Biscoito
1993Account of the species of the family Pandalidae recorded from Madeira is given. Heterocarpus grimaldii, Plesionika edwardsii, P. ensis, P. williamsi, P. martia and P. gigliolii are recorded for the...
Morphological identification of scabbardfishes
Biscoito, M., Delgado, J., González, J. A., Stefanni, S., Tuset, V. M., Isidro, E., Garcia-Mederos, A. Carvalho, D.
2011The black scabbardfish has been subjected to a commercial fishery in the waters of the archipelago of Madeira for more than 150 years, which is probably the oldest deep-sea commercial fishery in...
Fishery of black scabbardfish in Portugal mainland
Pedro Bordalo-Machado and Ivone Figueiredo
2008The black scabbardfish is a deep-sea teleost species with high commercial interest in the NE Atlantic. While it is caught by large offshore trawlers in the North of Europe, in the south it is...
Sea-surface signatures around Madeira
Caldeira, R. M. A., Groom, S., Miller, P., Pilgrim, D., Nezlin, N. P.
2001This is an introductory work that describes the manifestation of the island mass effect phenomena in the atmosphere and at the sea surface for a region of the ocean depleted from oceanographic work...
Deepwater fishing resources
Carvalho, D., J. Delgado, M. Biscoito, M. Freitas, J.A. González, J.I. Santana, V.M. Tuset, E. Isidro, M.R. Pinho & Consórcio PESCOPROF
2007O projecto, na linha do programa PESCPROF, perseguiu assim o objectivo último de, através da realização de estudos com objectivos específicos de trabalho...
Conservation status of the wolf spider Hogna ingens
Crespo, L. C., Silva, I., Borges, P. A. V., Cardoso, P.
2014The Desertas Islands (Madeira, Portugal) are the sole home of one of the largest and rarest wolf spiderspecies, Hogna ingens (Blackwall 1857) (Araneae,...
Monitorization of demersal species in Madeira
Delgado, J., Carvalho, D., Ferreira, S., Sousa, R., Chada, T.
2007Este relatório de campanha inclui o trabalho efectuado e os resultados preliminares obtidos durante o cruzeiro de monitorização de demersais realizado a bordo do N/I...
Stock assessment of Plesionika edwardsii
2007Este Relatório do Workshop de: “Avaliação de Stocks Insulares de Plesionika edwardsii em Canárias, Madeira e Açores”, foi efectuado no âmbito do...
Hotspot track of Madeira
Geldmacher, J., Bogaard, P. V. D., Hoernle, K., Schmincke, H.
2000The 40Ar/39Ar ages for 35 volcanic rocks and 14C ages for two charcoal samples from the Madeira Archipelago and Ampère Seamount (eastern North Atlantic) are presented.
The volcanic...
Origin and geochemical evolution of the Madeira-Tore Rise
Geldmacher, J., Hoernle, K., Klügel, A., Bogaard, P. v. d., Wombacher, F., Berning, B.
2006The Madeira-Tore Rise, located 700 km off the NW African coast, forms a prominent ridge in the east Atlantic. The age and origin of the rise are controversial. This study presents major and...
Biology and LPUE standardization of Aphanpus spp. commercial data
César Gomes
2016The black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) is a benthopelagic species, member of the Trichiuridae family with great commercial and scientific importance in Madeira...
Fishery of Aphanopus carbo
Leonel Serrano Gordo
2009The black scabbardfish belongs to the Trichiuridae family characterised by: i) an extremely elongate and compressed body with a small forked or hair-like caudal fin; ii) strong teeth, fang-like in...
Monk-seal interaction with the fishing sector
Rebecca Louise Hale
2009The mediterranean monk seal has been classified as “critically endangered” by IUCN since 1960.
Once abundant throughout the Mediterranean, today there are less than 500 animals,...
Stock assessment of black scabbardfish
2014Black scabbardfish Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839 is a widely distributed species.
In the North Atlantic, the species occurs between 30oN and 70oN, from the strait of Denmark to...
Line Fishing for black scabbardfish
Rogélia Martins and Carlos Ferreira
1995Between 1980 and 1986 nine cruises were carried out on board the Research Vessel NORUEGA to study the black scabbardfish fishery in the eastern central Atlantic area around the island of Madeira to...
Paleobotany of Madeira
Carlos Alberto Góis Marques
2013After more than 150 years of paleobotanical investigations interregnum in Madeira Island, this dissertation aims to revive and present the history, location, inventory and review of the S. Jorge...
The archipelago of Madeira
Mata, J., Fonseca, P., Prada, S., Rodrigues, D., Martins, S., Ramalho, R., Madeira, J., Cachão, M., Silva, C. M., Matias, M. J.
2013O arquipélago da Madeira (30º-33ºN) ocorre no Atlântico oriental onde, conjuntamente com os Açores, Canárias e Cabo Verde, constitui a Macaronésia (do...
Design Optimisation and Implementation of Demersal Survey Cruises in the Macaronesian Archipelagos
Menezes, G., Delgado, J., Krug, H., Pinho, M. R., Silva, H. M., Carvalho, D.
1998This project was a continuation of a first project approved in 1994 (see Study 94/034) and most of the methodologies applied and work undertaken were similar.
This project implemented the...
The Critically Endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in the archipelago of Madeira
Pires, R., Neves, H. C., Karamanlidis, A.
2008The Mediterranean monk seal is categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List and is in urgent need of effective conservation measures.
Following a steep decline in the 20th...
Monk-seals in Madeira
Rosa Pires
2011The history of the protection of the monk seal in the Desertas Islands is intimately linked with the history of Nature Conservation in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
Starting out with an...
Sea floor spreading
Pitman, W. and Talwani, M.
1972The magnetic anomaly lineation pattern in the North Atlantic Ocean (between the latitudes of 15° N. and 63° N.) has been examined in light of the hypotheses of sea-floor spreading and plate...
Overview of the black scabbardfish fishing
Reis, S., Sena-Carvalho, D., Delgado, J. H., Afonso-Dias, M.
2001The black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) is the most important resource exploited in Madeira Island (30º00’-33º10’N; 15º50’-17º20’W,...
Deepwater fishing resources [DSIDP]
2006Os arquipélagos macaronésicos da Madeira, Canárias e Açores, apresentam semelhanças no que respeita a algumas características geomorfologicas dos seus...