Monk-seals in Madeira

The history of the protection of the monk seal in the Desertas Islands is intimately linked with the history of Nature Conservation in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
Starting out with an extremely unfavourable situation in 1988, small but determined initial steps were taken that led to the construction of a fully developed project that has attained levels of excellence and international recognition. This book, along with the objectives promoted in it, indirectly tells the story of this success.
At the beginning of the project, it was important to explain to people what this species is. Nowadays, we have the privilege of thinking about presenting to the inhabitants of Madeira and to those who visit us, some of the individual monk seals that are already part of the local day-to-day life.
Within this framework, by giving names to the monk seals we share our sea with, this book contributes to Madeirans looking more and more at the monk seal as a close friend we need to take good care of.